Your Contribution Supports the Ongoing Programs of the Libraries of Stevens County


Fine libraries exist with public funds, but it is through
private funds that they flourish!

The Libraries of Stevens County Foundation is a non-profit organization based in Washington state, formed for the purpose of supporting and enhancing library programs and services.

The Foundation serves the entire library district and manages monies in a collective and productive way for the benefit of all libraries of Stevens County, Washington. The Foundation Board is comprised of representatives from area Friends groups and people who are passionate about libraries.

Honorary & Memorial Gifts

A named contribution is a meaningful and lasting way to commemorate a person’s memory, celebration, or life milestone in a way that also benefits the Libraries of Stevens County.

Your kind gift is a way of guaranteeing that access to information and excellent programs will continue for the over 1,200 people who come to the library every day. The Libraries of Stevens County Foundation supports many library programs and materials with the help of generous donors like you. We hope you will have a measure of comfort and satisfaction, knowing that you are enriching the lives of so many.

We are grateful that you would consider a gift to the Library Foundation as you face the most important moments of your lives.

Make a named donation by clicking on Named Donation

For Every New Generation of Readers

Your contributions support ongoing improvements and key programs for the Library.  A donation to the Libraries of Stevens County Foundation helps our library continue to enrich lives throughout the local communities.

Honorary & Memorial Gifts

Honorary & Memorial Gifts

Name a Shelf

Name a Shelf

Improving & enhancing our libraries in Stevens County

Donation Drive